
Marlow Bray

Top 10 Safest Countries in the World – Global Peace Index-2023

Top 10 safest countries in the world

We’ve all flirted with the idea of living overseas at some point, haven’t we?

Whether it’s part of retirement planning or the allure of working in a more pleasant climate, the dream of a life abroad has excited many. 

For decades, countless Brits have been drawn to Spain, seeking sunshine and a laid-back pace of life.

In recent times, thanks to the wonders of technology, the concept of the digital nomad lifestyle has become a reality for a fortunate 35 million individuals worldwide. 

Over the past five years, many of us have pondered, “Could I do my job poolside in warmer climates?” For many, the answer is a resounding yes.

Those days are gone when living abroad was primarily for retirees with minimal responsibilities. In 2022, an astounding 47% of digital nomads were in their 30s, often with young families to consider. 

Today, I want to explore the top 10 safest countries in the world as per the Global Peace Index. These are the destinations where you can find tranquility and security, making them ideal for both adventurous digital nomads and those contemplating a fresh start abroad.

1. Iceland

The 2023 Global Peace Index has just confirmed what we’ve known for years – Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world.

With stunning natural landscapes and a friendly population, it’s unsurprising that Iceland also ranks as the third happiest nation globally. This country also favors laws that allow same-sex marriage and adoption, religious freedom, and equal pay for men and women.

The peacefulness of Iceland has been a consistent theme since 2008, making it a top choice for those seeking a serene life.

2. Denmark

Denmark, where political stability, freedom of the press, and human rights are held in high regard, has consistently ranked in the top five of the Global Peace Index since 2008. 

It’s a safe country to live in, showcasing income equality, and is frequently hailed as one of the happiest nations on the planet. 

Denmark’s dedication to peace is evident in its substantial defense budget, aiming to ensure the safety of its citizens.

3. Ireland

Ireland is not only one of the wealthiest and most developed countries globally but also one of the safest. 

With a long history of independence and a neutral military stance, Ireland is a shining example of peace. It ranks well in societal safety and remains one of the safest places to live despite some occasional social unrest.

4. New Zealand

New Zealand, a nation known for its stunning landscapes and warm-hearted people, has slipped two spots in the 2023 Global Peace Index but remains among the world’s safest countries. 

With low rates of domestic and international conflict, New Zealand is a wonderful place to call home, although increased weapons imports and exports have impacted its peace ranking slightly.

5. Austria

Austria’s central European location makes it a vital part of a united Europe. 

Despite its many measures of well-being, growing social tensions and political instability have deteriorated Austria’s peaceful image. These issues, exacerbated by anti-migrant campaigns and terrorism, resulted in a recent drop in Austria’s peace ranking.

6. Singapore

Singapore has shown remarkable improvements in peace and safety, making it one of the most peaceful countries in Asia.

 It is known for its low levels of domestic and international conflict, although its level of militarization affects its overall peace ranking.

7. Portugal

Portugal has emerged as one of the biggest climbers of the Global Peace Index in recent years.

It offers an exceptional quality of life and is known as a top expat destination, all while remaining one of the most affordable destinations in Europe.


8. Slovenia

Slovenia, a small but vibrant country, is a top-performing emerging European nation. Its rich biodiversity, embracing of diversity, and peaceful coexistence place it among the world’s safest countries.

9. Japan

Japan, despite it having high population density and geopolitical concerns, has consistently ranked highly for both peace and quality of life. It boasts low crime rates and incarceration, although tensions with neighboring countries remain a concern.

10. Switzerland

Switzerland has consistently been featured among the top 10 most peaceful nations for over a decade. With exceptional safety and security, this country offers a high quality of life. However, its substantial militarization, while maintaining safety, keeps Switzerland from rising higher in the rankings.


In a world that’s seen significant shifts in peace and conflict, it’s heartening to see these nations maintain their commitment to safety. These peaceful countries offer not only security but also exceptional quality of life. They stand as testaments to the possibilities that await those who venture abroad in search of new horizons.

So, whether you’re a digital nomad seeking new adventures or someone dreaming of a more peaceful life abroad, keep these tranquil countries in mind before you embark on your next journey.

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