
Marlow Bray

Portugal citizenship by investment

Portugal offers citizenship by investment, also known as the “Golden Visa” program. This program allows individuals to obtain Portuguese citizenship in exchange for making a significant investment in the country.

The Portugal citizenship by investment options are:

  1. Investing at least €280,000 in real estate
  2. Investing at least €350,000 in a business venture creating 10 new jobs
  3. Investing at least €250,000 in a research or cultural project
  4. Investing at least €500,000 in a venture capital fund

The investment must be kept for at least five years, after which the individual can apply for Portuguese citizenship. In addition to the investment, applicants must also meet other requirements such as passing a background check and having health insurance coverage in Portugal, these will ensure the applicant conforms with the H2Portuguese citizenship by investment rules.

H2 Portugal citizenship by investment is one of the most popular and well-established citizenship by investment program in the EU, offering a fast track to EU citizenship and visa-free travel to many countries.

The benefits of obtaining Portuguese citizenship through the Golden Visa program include:
  1. Access to the European Union: As a citizen of Portugal, you will have the right to live, work, and travel in any of the member states of the European Union.
  2. Visa-free travel: Portuguese citizens have visa-free access to more than 180 countries, including the United States, Canada, and most of the countries in the EU and Latin America.
  3. Tax benefits: Portugal has a non-domicile tax system which means that if you are not a resident in Portugal for more than 183 days per year, you only pay taxes on your Portuguese-source income.
  4. Access to quality healthcare and education: Portuguese citizens have access to a high-quality public healthcare system and free education.
  5. Portuguese citizenship can be passed on to future generations: Portuguese citizenship can be passed down to children and grandchildren, regardless of where they were born.
  6. Portuguese passport is considered one of the most powerful passports in the world, allowing visa-free travel to many countries.
  7. The ability to relocate to Portugal, with access to its culture, history, and beautiful scenery.
  8. The ability to participate in the country’s political life and to vote in national and European elections.

It’s important to note that the H2 Portugal citizenship by investment program is subject to change and it’s recommended to consult us before making a decision

What is The Golden Visa?

The Portugal Golden Visa is a program offered by the Portuguese government that grants residency permits to non-EU citizens who make a significant investment in the country. The program was introduced in 2012 and has since become a popular way for non-EU citizens to gain access to the European Union through Portugal.

Once an application for H2Portuguese citizenship by investment has been granted a Golden Visa is issued. The visa holders can live, work, and study in Portugal and travel freely within the Schengen Area. After five years of holding a Golden Visa, an applicant may be eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship.

What’s the difference between Portugal Golden Visa and Citizenship?

The main difference between the Portugal Golden Visa and Portuguese citizenship is the length of time required to obtain each status and the rights and benefits that come with each. H2Portuguese citizenship by investment is the pathway for citizenship

What is a Golden Visa?

A Golden Visa is a residency permit that allows non-EU citizens to live, work and study in Portugal and travel freely within the Schengen Area. It is granted for an initial period of two years and can be renewed for successive periods of two years. After five years of holding a Golden Visa, an applicant may be eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship.

What is Portuguese citizenship? 

On the other hand, Portuguese citizenship is a legal status that grants an individual the right to live and work in Portugal and all other EU countries, the right to vote, the right to a Portuguese passport, and the right to receive consular protection while abroad. Obtaining Portuguese citizenship typically takes longer than obtaining a Golden Visa, and it also requires passing a language test, providing a police clearance, and submitting a number of other documents.

Can I add my parents to my Portugal Golden visa?

The H2Portuguese citizenship by investment program allows the main applicant to include their dependent family members on the application. This includes the main applicant’s spouse, children under the age of 18, and parents over the age of 66.

To add parents to the Golden Visa application, the main applicant must provide documentation to prove the parent-child relationship, such as a birth certificate or adoption papers. Additionally, the main applicant must also prove that they are financially able to support their parents during their stay in Portugal. This can be done by providing proof of income, such as a salary statement or bank account statement. H2The Portugal citizenship by investment program is one of the few programs worldwide, which allow all family members on one application. Therefore, it’s possible to have three generations living in the same country.

It’s also worth mentioning that the parents that are included on the application will be granted the same rights and benefits as the main applicant, including the right to live, work, and study in Portugal and travel freely within the Schengen Area. They will also be required to renew their residency permit every two years, along with the main applicant.

Arjun & Hina, Singaporean NRI’s Case Study


Family Background

Arjun & Hina, originally from India, moved to Singapore ten years ago. They have applied twice for Singapore permanent residency, despite their well-paid jobs and academic qualifications, they have been rejected for PR both times.  Arjun works for Facebook and Hina works for PWC.  They have two children, a son, Rishi aged 15, and a daughter, Shyla aged 9. As their daughter was born in Singapore, and their son was five years old when they arrived, the children are growing in Singapore up as third culture kids.

Decision factors:

They are unlikely to return to India in the long term. Consequently, the family are seeking a long-term secure option which gives them optionality and can allow them to continue living in Singapore for their prime, earning years. Their friends have told them the H2 Portugal citizenship by investment program gives them the right to live, retire and access the education and healthcare system for free in Portugal for the first five years, then these rights extended to all  27 EU countries. They feel this gives them far more permanent rights they can enjoy in the long-term than Singapore can provide. The ability for their children to grow as EU citizens and access top tier European universities is a strong draw to the program.

They have had two friends who embarked on the Portuguese Golden Visa scheme in 2019 & 2021.  Arjun & Hina have a net worth of USD 2.5m and despite the high cost of living in Singapore, they have good disposable income. They have the money and motivation so they   decided to invest in a Golden Visa eligible hotel unit in the Algarve, Portugal worth €280,000. Their investment pays a 3% per year yield and has a guaranteed developer buyback after they have achieved their citizenship from year six.  It took around six months and a number of discussions with friends and a professional advisor he provides the legal advice required before making the decision to embark on the H2 the Portugal citizenship by investment program.

Professional Advice

The implementation process began with Arjun & Hina requesting professional advice from an advisor who sourced a suitable property which meets the requirements of the Golden Visa program. Once they committed to the unit, a Portuguese law firm was used to make the purchase, after the cash purchase was completed, the couple received title deed, showing gate own, Golden Visa eligible property.

The law firm then submitted the Golden Visa application along with all the required documentation, including their passports, proof of the property purchase, and police clearance certificates. They included their two children on the application as dependents.

Once the application was submitted then reviewed by the Portuguese government it took 9 months to approve. Arjun & Hina were then  granted a residency permit for an initial period of two years. After five years of holding the Golden Visa, they are eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship.

With a golden Visa, they are able to live, work, and study in Portugal and travel freely within the Schengen Area. Their children would also have the same rights and benefits and would be able to attend school in Portugal.

It’s worth noting that the process and requirements may change over time and this is just an example case study.

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