
Marlow Bray

Countries with citizenship by investment

The top countries with citizenship by investment include:

  1. Antigua and Barbuda
  2. St. Kitts and Nevis
  3. Dominica
  4. Portugal
  5. Malta
  6. Vanuatu
  7. Grenada
  8. Turkey
  9. Spain
  10. Montenegro

It is worth noting that these countries have different requirements and investment options, and the exact ranking can vary depending on the source. Additionally, laws and regulations regarding citizenship by investment can change over time.

Countries with citizenship by investment for the longest period of time include:
  1. Kitts and Nevis: This country has been offering citizenship by investment since 1984, making it one of the oldest programs of its kind.
  2. Dominica: Dominica’s citizenship by investment program was established in 1993.
  3. Antigua and Barbuda: Antigua and Barbuda’s program was established in 2013, making it one of the more recent Countries with citizenship by investment programs, but still long-standing.
  4. Portugal: Portugal has had a citizenship by investment program since 2012.
  5. Malta: Malta has had a citizenship by investment program since 2013, which is considered relatively new, but still well-established program.
5 Reasons to have a 2nd passport

There are several reasons why people may choose to buy citizenship through investment, including:

  1. Visa-free travel: Many countries with citizenship by investment have visa-free travel agreements with other countries, allowing the holder to travel freely without the need for a visa.
  2. Tax benefits: Some countries with citizenship by investment programs have favorable tax laws, which can provide financial benefits for the individual or their business.
  3. Political stability: Investing in a country with a stable political environment can provide peace of mind and a sense of security.
  4. Educational opportunities: Some countries with citizenship by investment programs have strong education systems, making them an attractive option for families looking to provide their children with a quality education.
  5. Dual citizenship: Some countries permit dual citizenship, allowing individuals to retain their original citizenship while also obtaining a second citizenship.

When considering countries with citizenship by investment, most people want more security than their existing nationality provide. The security of a country can be a complex and multifaceted issue, and different individuals may have different opinions on which countries are the most secure. However, in general, countries that offer citizenship by investment that are considered to be relatively stable and safe include:

  1. Malta: Malta is a member of the European Union and has a high standard of living. It is also considered to be a politically stable country with a well-functioning democracy.
  2. Portugal: Portugal is considered a safe country with a stable political climate, strong economy and high standard of living. It is also a member of the EU and the OECD.
  3. Austria: Austria has a high standard of living and a stable political environment. It is a member of the EU and the OECD.
  4. Spain: Spain is considered a safe country with a stable political climate, strong economy and a popular country for retirement. It is also a member of the EU and the OECD.
  5. Canada: Canada is known for its high standard of living, political stability, and strong economy. It also has a good reputation for social services, healthcare and education.
What are the Risks?

The quality of these programs can vary greatly. However, some countries have been criticized for having lax due diligence and background check processes, or for being associated with fraud and corruption.

Additionally, some Countries with citizenship by investment programs have suspended or terminated due to concerns about security, money laundering, and other issues. It’s always advisable to conduct thorough research and consult with a qualified professional before considering a citizenship by investment program.

It’s important to note that some countries may not be considered as secure or reliable as other in terms of their political, economic or social stability and their reputation in the international community. It’s also important to consider the legal, financial and reputational consequences of obtaining a citizenship by investment.

For example, The United Kingdom (UK) has suspended several immigration programs in recent years:

Tier 1 (Investor & Entrepreneur) Visa: The UK suspended this visa category in 2019, and it remains suspended as of 2023, due to concerns about fraud and money laundering.

Cyprus suspended its citizenship by investment program in November 2020, citing concerns about potential risks to the country’s reputation. The Cypriot government had come under pressure from the European Union and other international organizations to tighten its regulations and oversight of the program, which had been criticized for a lack of transparency and potential for abuse. Additionally, the Cypriot government may have also been motivated by economic reasons, as the country was facing economic difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic and may have wanted to focus on more traditional sources of revenue. The suspension was temporary and the program was re-introduced with new regulations in November 2021. Among the Countries with citizenship by investment programs, Cyprus is now one of the most expensive with a minimum investment of €2 million.

What background checks can I expect?

When applying for second citizenship, you can expect to undergo a due diligence process to verify your identity, background, and financial situation. This may include providing personal and financial documents such as a passport, birth certificate, and bank statements. The government or agency in charge of processing your application may also conduct background checks, including checks for criminal records and any outstanding debts. Additionally, you may be required to provide proof of your ties to the country you are applying to become a citizen of, such as employment or property ownership. The specific requirements and process may vary depending on the country with citizenship by investment program you are applying to.

How much is a typical citizenship program?

There are several countries that offer citizenship by investment programs, which allow individuals to gain citizenship in exchange for a financial investment. The cost of these programs can vary greatly depending on the country and the specific requirements of the program. Some H2 Countries with citizenship by investment programs are considered to be relatively more affordable than others. For example, Dominica and St. Lucia offer citizenship by investment programs for as low as $100,000, while other countries such as Malta & USA offer the same program but with higher costs, usually over $1 million. A popular, and affordable route is currently Portugal with a minimum investment of children and €280,000.  However, it’s important to note that the cheapest option may not always be the best option, as it may not provide the same level of benefits or prestige as a more expensive program.

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